Hi there!
I'm Ash Rhodes.

You may remember me looking like this during my talk.
Yeah. I’m that guy. The pirate guy. 🏴‍☠️

“So why am I here?”, you ask.

            “Why are any of us here?”, I counter. 🤔

No, but really.

You probably got my business card and ended up here.


So let me tell you briefly what I do:

Headshot Studio
Want the receipts? Here you go:
  • My LinkedIn
  • My Resume (as of 2022-10-06)
  • Some Testimonials (coming soon)
  • And as a bonus, a selection of my Photography
(When I'm not in disguise as a roguish pirate, I have also been known to cosplay as a competent adult)

As a consultant, I work directly with an enormous cross-section of individuals and businesses in 1on1 or group settings and I also work in conjunction with the Remote Leadership Accelerator to help clients to resolve whatever issues they are struggling with.

I have some level of experience in most of the roles and arenas involved in startups, but I am a particular expert in matters dealing with Leadership, Customer Support and Success, Operations, and the Recruiting lifecycle; especially in a Remote environment.

As an employee, I most enjoy working with companies that are remote, mission-driven, and are changing the world for the better. My specialties are in building teams that are empathetic and focused on creating excellent experiences for both external and internal customers.